Our Advent Prayers and the Great Amen
January 2, 2024And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38 ESV) Our Advent journey comes to a close and we arrive this week at the manger and the Incarnation of the Son of God – Jesus. With these words from the lips of the mother of our LORD, we, too, embrace a mystery far beyond our comprehension. Jesus is God’s love come down. He is the Great “Amen” to all our Advent prayers and longings.
The last candle that we light as part of our Advent prayers is the Candle of Love. This is the reminder that it is love that has taken shape and form and been born for us. Jesus is God’s love come down. One of the Christmas decorations we hang in our home is the Chinese character for love (ai) stylized in such a way to reveal the image of Mary gazing into the manger. But whose love is being projected? Certainly, Mary was gazing into the face of her child, the Child, with love. She was given the glimpse that all the prophets had longed to see. What a wondrous sight! What a mysterious vision! Yet for all our love and adoration, ours, even Mary’s, is a mere reflection of the love of God that is illuminating her face and ours as we gaze into the mystery of the Incarnation. His love for you and me is what caused the Incarnation! “This is the kind of love we are talking about—not that we once upon a time loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they’ve done to our relationship with God.” (1 John 4:10 The Message)
When David had rested from all his warring and was living comfortably in a house of cedar, he proposed to Nathan that he would build a house for God. While God had not asked David or any of the prophets or judges of Israel to build for Him a house in which to dwell, the idea seemed to David natural. David was living in a palace. Shouldn’t God live in something grander than a tent? While Nathan agreed that this sounded like a good idea, God spoke to Nathan and added this correction saying, “Moreover, the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house. And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.’” (2 Samuel 7:11b, 16 ESV) What David had yearned to do in building a house for God, turned into God’s promise to build for David “a house” and a Kingdom that would not end. In Jesus, David’s prayer was answered. God did “dwell” with His people in something more magnificent than a tent. God’s "Amen” had come. What Mary saw that night was the fulfillment of all of God’s love for all people. While we, like Mary or David, may not understand God’s way, we are invited to respond to His action with the same but simple response – faith. Our “Amen,” our “yes” to all of what God has planned for us, is only a reflection of what He is already doing in and through His Amen – Jesus.
Maybe you are yearning, praying for something during this Advent time. This is the Good News – God has heard your prayer and mine. He has come down. He has manifested His love for us, for you and me. Here at International Lutheran Church, we celebrate His real presence in the Bread that we break and the Cup that we bless! We experience His dwelling with us. His love has come down. Our prayers have been heard. God has spoken the Great Amen in the person of His Son – Jesus. Blessed Advent! Merry Christmas!
Pastor Carl